Original Wolfen NC500 135/36
Original Wolfen NC500 135/36
Technical data
35mm color negative film
ISO 400 with DX coding
36 images
New high-sensitivity color film made in Germany by Filmotec, Original Wolfen:
This color negative film is slightly desaturated in the colors, has a narrow exposure range and is relatively grainy. A retro look can be created perfectly with the NC500. To be developed in the regular C41 process. If the ISO setting on the camera is manual, select ISO/ASA 300 or 400.
Versand innerhalb Deutschlands 4,99 Euro bis 100 Euro Warenwert. Über 100 Euro Warenwert versandkostenfrei. Keine zusätzlichen Versandkosten bei Gutscheinen & Zeitschriften. Versand in EU-Länder generell 16 Euro. Zur Zeit liefern wir nicht in Länder außerhalb der EU.