"Nizo" by Jürgen Lossau and Lutz Auhage
"Nizo" by Jürgen Lossau and Lutz Auhage
Technical data
The illustrated book is dedicated to the history of the camera, shows the models from 1955 to 1982, meticulously traces the changes in technology and appearance and provides a portrait of camera production.
special features
Braun design and Nizo camera technology - from 1965 onwards, the brilliantly designed Super 8 silver discs from Munich production were available on the world market. Design expert Dieter Rams created them with his team. The illustrated book is dedicated to the history of their creation, shows the models from 1955 to 1982, traces the changes in technology and appearance in detail and provides a portrait of camera production. Also: many previously unknown prototypes, photos from advertisements and brochures and an interview with Dieter Rams.
Nizo - Format 297 x 210 mm, 124 pages over 150 color photos, ISBN 978-3-938619-04-9, Euro 49.95
Versand innerhalb Deutschlands 4,99 Euro bis 100 Euro Warenwert. Über 100 Euro Warenwert versandkostenfrei. Keine zusätzlichen Versandkosten bei Gutscheinen & Zeitschriften. Versand in EU-Länder generell 16 Euro. Zur Zeit liefern wir nicht in Länder außerhalb der EU.