Development of old Super 8 films: Kodachrome & Agfa Moviechrome

Apr 11, 2021

Entwicklung alter Super-8-Filme: Kodachrome & Agfa Moviechrome

Recently we have been receiving an increasing number of requests for developing old Kodachrome films. These Super 8 cassettes have not been able to be developed in color for many years because there is no longer a laboratory that carries out this development process. The only option is to have the film developed into a black and white negative or positive and then scanned. This is expensive and is probably only worthwhile if you suspect that there are historically important images on the film. Dagie Brundert in Berlin ( offers such a service. With digitization for playback on the computer, development costs 70-90 euros including VAT per film.

Old AgfaChrome, Agfa Moviechrome and Revue films only show pastel colors or have a blue tint when developed today. This is due to the embedded color couplers, which no longer work correctly after more than 40 years. The customer must decide whether a development for around 50 euros including VAT and shipping is still worthwhile. In any case, streaks, strange color effects and partially peeling layers are to be expected. Dagie Brundert also develops such films. For possible results, it is best to look at the example page:

Frank Bruinsma from the Dutch Super 8 Reversal Lab ( develops some old Super-8 and Single-8 films (Fujichrome R25 and R200).

Our Super 8 development vouchers can only be used to develop Kodak Vision2 and Vision3 negative films, Kodak Tri-X black and white films and Kodak Ektachrome 100D films.

(Photo: Dagie Brundert, old Orwo Super 8 film)