The new issue of SUPER 8 magazine is here: #4
Nov 19, 2021
Available in our store or online at:
Here are the topics:
With the narrow film on the narrow gauge: A 16mm/Super-8 project on the Durango steam locomotive line in the USA
What to do if the film freezes? Tips for dealing with Super 8 cassettes that stop working in the camera
Revival for a film cassette: click & surr offers Single-8 films in color and black and white
Jaime – a music video partly shot on Super 8
Single-8: Everything about an ingeniously simple cassette from Fujifilm and the history of cameras
Straight 8 – How to make it to Cannes with your films in competition
The cassette with the mirror – Frank Bruinsma's invention of a test cassette to test cameras
Room of Memory – A special projection room for 8mm films was built in Kyoto (Japan)
Here they are all – List of all Single-8 cameras ever built by Fuji, Elmo, Canon, Konica and Yashica
Shigeo Mizukawa – about the man who designed many Fujica Single-8 cameras
Back under power – Edwin van Eck produces special power cables to get old projectors running again